ADRA Zimbabwe continues to provide relief during lockdown
2 June, 2020
Like most of the world, Zimbabwe has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The country has been on lockdown since the beginning of April, with only essential workers able to commute to and from their workplace. The rest of the population is at home with no access to their various sources of income.
In these difficult times, ADRA is among the frontline workers who are actively serving communities in Zimbabwe. “Our brave men and women are boldly out every day, dressed in protective gear, scared like everyone else but not moved because we have a mission, we have a call to stand up for justice, to show compassion and to touch many hearts with love,” said the ADRA Country Director for Zimbabwe Judith Musvosvi, during her field visit in Seke District, one of the sites where ADRA is distributing food rations.
Currently, ADRA Zimbabwe continues to serve a total of 175,711 households with monthly rations of food aid in partnership with the World Food Program. Though most of the staff are in the field working, some are working from home in order to stay safe and healthy, and to do their part to flatten the curve. ADRA Zimbabwe is interacting and conducting meetings 100% virtually.
ADRA Zimbabwe’s partnership with the Adventist Church in Zimbabwe is strong, and many local churches are coming forward to donate through ADRA during this pandemic period. So far, with the help of the church, they have managed to donate to a local orphanage with food and other essential donations. The team at ADRA Zimbabwe continues to call for a partnership with the church, and are confident that everyone can work together to assist local communities.