Celebrating 40 Years of ADRA – Laura’s Story
5 August, 2024
To mark our 40 year anniversary, we wanted to hear from some of our staff and showcase a significant experience or memory they have from their time at ADRA.
Today’s story comes from Laura Stephenson, the Operations Manager for Open Heart International, a division of ADRA. Laura shares the time a family from Afghanistan walked for seven hours to seek support from an ADRA project in Macquarie Fields.
“They were from Afghanistan and Mohammed was employed by the Embassy of Australia,” says Laura. “The Taliban was targeting him and his family.”
Laura shares how, in making their way to the airport to get on an evacuation plane, Mohammed and his family received assistance from men with four letters on their shirt — A D R A. Once in Australia, with limited work opportunities and language barriers, times were tough. They went looking for help.
“They just searched online for these four letters that meant salvation to them.”
Watch Laura’s full video below to hear some of her reflections on the power of ADRA’s global presence.