Thank you for registering to participate in an ADRA Connections trip – you have an exciting adventure ahead of you! Outlined below are your key responsibilities and obligations. This is a legal contract between ADRA Australia and you as a Team Member. It commences upon receipt of your registration form and $250 commitment deposit.
1. Team Management
Your Team Leader is responsible for managing your trip. You must treat your Team Leader, and all ADRA staff members, with courteous respect for their authority throughout the lead-up and duration of your trip.
2. Under-Age Children and Youth
If you are under 18 years old, your legal parent/guardian must agree to the terms set out by the ‘Consent and Release Agreement’ included in the Registration Form.
3. Prices and Validity
ADRA Australia reserves the right to adjust all advertised costs in alignment with exchange rate fluctuations and changes in operating costs, but our aim is to avoid cost increases where possible. Changes may impact upon project work and itinerary details.
4. Finance and Fundraising
Your main task for your trip is to inspire friends and family to make donations for your ADRA project in a respectful and appropriate manner. All financial obligations must be met in a timely manner by the set deadlines, both to your Team Leader and to ADRA Australia. Costs not met by specified dates may result in the cancellation of your trip. ADRA Connection trip costs are divided into 2 components: ADRA Donation Costs and Personal Costs.
Please note, travel costs are not included in ADRA Connections trip costs, and are each participant’s own responsibility, including all bookings and arrangements. Travel costs include: flights, extra baggage, airport tax, passport, visas, vaccinations, first aid kit, and any additional sightseeing not included in the itinerary.
a. ‘ADRA Donation Costs’ include: the cost for all materials and equipment for project work; project management and monitoring; and accommodation, food and transport while on project. The ADRA
Donation Costs are fully tax-deductible and fund-raiseable. Costs are collected through an online website called ‘Everyday Hero’ that ADRA Australia will set up for you. Payments can also be made directly to ADRA Australia. ‘ADRA Donation Costs’ are required to be paid, in full, two months before departure.
b. ‘Personal Costs’ include: a $250 non-refundable commitment deposit payment; comprehensive insurance cover through RMS (Risk Management Services); International SOS medical and emergency cover; sightseeing costs as included in the itinerary; and all accommodation and travel while sightseeing, and most food (you may need to buy your own meals on transit days). ‘Personal Costs’ are collected by the Team Leader and paid to ADRA Australia no more than 1 month before departure.
All fundraising events need to be registered online with ADRA Australia through the following website: Once registered, ADRA Australia can provide you with resources to assist you with your fundraising event.
5. Passports and Visa
You must obtain and carry a valid passport with at least 6-months validity, and a visa if necessary. It is your responsibility to get a current passport for travel, but your Team Leader is responsible for organising an appropriate visa. Any costs incurred are not included in the advertised trip costs.
6. Travel Risks
The safety of our travellers is of utmost priority to us. We commit to providing proper duty of care, strict operational standards and industry leading risk assessment plans. You acknowledge that participation in ADRA Connections trips involves inherent risks, as it operates trips in regions where standards of transport, accommodation, safety, hygiene, medical facilities and other infrastructure may differ from the standard at home. These risks include, without limitation, the possibility of disease, injury or death, psychological trauma, loss /damage to property, discomfort and inconvenience. ADRA Australia uses information from its local country offices, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, International SOS and to assess and manage risks and to keep participants safe while abroad. ADRA also conducts orientation programs to ensure that teams are well informed to travel safely. You will receive detailed information before you leave about ways you can stay safe or reduce risk while overseas, and what to do in an emergency.
7. Travel Insurance
Adequate and valid travel insurance is provided for all ADRA Connections travellers for the duration of the ADRA Connections trip. The cost of insurance is included in your ‘Personal Costs’ advertised. Your Team Leader will organise your travel insurance through Risk Management Services (RMS), and you will receive a personalised certificate of insurance before you leave, which must be carried with you while travelling. Your insurance covers accidents, injury, illness death, medical expenses, including any related to pre-existing medical conditions, emergency repatriation (including helicopter rescue/air ambulance) and personal liability. If something is lost, stolen, or damaged, or you become ill while away, you must report this immediately to your Team Leader.
8. Health
You must advise your Team leader and ADRA Australia of all pre-existing medical conditions/disabilities that you may have, that might increase the risk of requiring medical attention, or that might affect the normal conduct and enjoyment of a trip. All medication being taken must be disclosed to ADRA Australia.
9. Cancellations by ADRA Australia
ADRA Australia reserves the right to cancel your trip if: you have not met your financial obligations; if required documents have not been received in a timely manner; if your orientation program is not completed; if a medical condition you have will put yourself or others at risk; or if a country becomes unsafe to travel. ADRA Australia reserves the right to cancel or postpone a trip and will advise you of such cancellations no later than 30 days before the trip departure date. If due to ‘Force Majeure’ or government travel advice, ADRA Australia reserves the right to cancel or postpone a trip at any time. Additional costs incurred, such as flight cancellations, are not payable by ADRA Australia, but may be recoverable under your insurance policy. If your trip is postponed, funds will be held until your trip proceeds.
10. Cancellations by You
If you wish to cancel all or any part of your booking, notification of cancellation must be made to your Team Leader with a valid reason, no later than 30 days before the trip departure date. Your $250 commitment deposit is non-refundable. Cancellation may also incur a service fee, depending on circumstance. As ADRA Donation funds are tax-deductible and receipts are issued upon payment, funds cannot be returned to donors, according to ATO regulations. These funds will be directed to project costs as advertised to donors.
11. Complaints
Complaints should be made known, at the earliest opportunity, to the ADRA Host accompanying you on your trip. It is their responsibility to take appropriate action. If, at the end of the trip, you feel your complaint has not been properly dealt with, notify ADRA Australia’s Complaints Officer on [email protected] within 14 days of trip completion.
12. Publicity
You agree ADRA Australia may use images of you taken during your trip, without recourse or compensation to you, for publicity and promotion purposes only, through whatever medium it chooses.
13. Privacy
Your personal information is collected in accordance with ADRA Australia’s Privacy Policy. The complete policy is available at
14. Child Protection
You agree to read and comply with ADRA Australia’s Child Protection Policy found in the ADRA Connections Policy Booklet and outlined for each team member in the Country Guide and Orientation Manual. This includes, (but is not limited to): treating children with proper respect and dignity, no abusive language or behaviour (sexual or otherwise) and using technology appropriately. Photos of children require parental consent and children must be fully clothed and presented in a dignified and respectful manner. Your Team Leader and ADRA Australia has the right to legally report any misconduct and to terminate your trip if you break child protection laws.
15. Code of Conduct
You agree to act in a safe and culturally appropriate manner, resolve conflicts peacefully and contribute meaningfully to team projects and responsibilities. Your Team Leader and ADRA Australia have the right to terminate your trip if your behaviour is unacceptable, breaches your ADRA Connections Agreement, violates alcohol or substance abuse, or breaks any laws of countries you visit during your trip.
16. Exclusion of Liability
ADRA Australia will not accept liability or responsibility if you or a team member contravene any law or regulation of any country visited. ADRA Australia is not responsible for acts and omissions of others, including airlines, accommodation providers, tour guides, or any loss, damage, death, injury or expense (including loss of money paid in advance). Independent arrangements made for the team, outside the ADRA Connections trip (including pre- and post-trip arrangements) are made entirely at your own risk.