25 July, 2016

ADRA will look after all in-country logistics for you. We will: 1. Liaise and co-ordinate with the in-country ADRA office to fully plan your trip, including all bookings for accommodation, food and transport in-country. 2. Organise your project and sightseeing activities after the trip. 3. Provide you with an orientation prior to travelling and an induction once you arrive in country, as well as daily briefings for the project and managing cultural differences of culture shock. 4. Provide a Country Guide to prepare you before departure. 5. Provide resources to support you in your fundraising. 6. Provide you with quality travel insurance. 7. Provide you with International SOS 24/7 assistance to ensure your safety. 8. Provide an ADRA Host to travel with you throughout the whole trip to prepare you for your project, manage logistics, bookings and any difficulties or emergencies that may arise, translate for you, and guide you as you participate in your Connections trip.
