Posts tagged with: Nathan Brown
The Difference Water Makes
November is the hottest, driest time of the year in in the south-eastern provinces of Timor Leste and, in communities that have been affected by the recent El Niño drought, they are hoping for the wet season to begin soon. But in the village of Luca, the pump that supplies their …
Read MoreOn The Road With ADRA
Sunday, October 16: The Sunday morning traffic is sporadic at first but builds steadily across the morning. We are shielded from direct sunlight by a glary grey sky and occasional breezy gusts buffet us with the grit and exhaust of the passing traffic. With each sequence of the traffic lights …
Read MoreKiribati Youth Urge Greater Climate Action
Two Seventh-day Adventist women from Kiribati have shared stories of how climate change is impacting their nation and called for greater action against climate change as guests of the Voices for Justice conference, hosted by Micah Australia in Canberra on November 19–21. Tinaai Teaua and Vasiti Tebamare are youth leaders in …
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