The Least of These – A Call To Serve
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” [Matthew 25:40]
“Freely you have received, freely give.” [Matthew 10:8]
The Bible has numerous examples of Jesus loving people with actions, not just words. We live in a hurting, broken world, but as a faith-based charitable organisation, ADRA partners with individual supporters and churches to serve humanity so that all can live as God intended – free from poverty and disadvantage.
During this Sabbath School quarter (July to September 2019), Adventists will explore how we have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and how through service to others, we can help foster loving, connected communities.
The resources available on this page can be used for individual and/or group study of the Sabbath School Lesson.
The below 13 videos, produced by ADRA South Pacific, were created to accompany the third quarter Sabbath School Lesson series, The Least of These (July to September 2019). Watch these inspiring videos and reflect on how you and your church community can be of service to your community. The videos can also enhance corporate study lessons.
- Lesson 1 – God created
- Lesson 2 – Blueprint for a better world
- Lesson 3 – A day of freedom
- Lesson 4 – Mercy and justice in the Psalms and Proverbs
- Lesson 5 – The cry of the prophets
- Lesson 6 – Worship the Creator
- Lesson 7 – Jesus and those in need
- Lesson 8 – The least of these
- Lesson 9 – Ministry in the New Testament Church
- Lesson 10 – Living the Gospel
- Lesson 11 – Living the advent hope
- Lesson 12 – To love mercy
- Lesson 13 – A community of servants
Below you can find a variety of further resources to accompany this quarter’s Sabbath School lesson series. If you have a related resource that you think should be listed here, please email [email protected]
- Purchase “For the Least of These”, the official lesson companion book by Nathan Brown, for a more in-depth study of the lesson and the topic of justice. ‘Injustice is not overwhelming and it is not immovable.’
- Get behind the scenes and dive deeper into the lesson each week with a podcast. Produced by Adventist Peace Fellowship, each week hosts Nathan Brown, Lisa Diller, and Jeff Boyd will share a conversation to accompany the quarterly Lesson Study Guide. Nathan Brown has been part of the process to creating this quarterâs guide and is the author of the the accompanying book âFor The Least of These.â New podcasts are added weekly and you can access the podcast at: iTunes, Stitcher, or Spotify.
- Listen to this Adventist Voices podcast where they discuss Nathan Brown’s work on the quarterly, whatâs just about Adventism, and how he lives the writing life.
- Download weekly suggested bible readings and discussion questions here.
- Listen to this interview with Nathan Brown about what compelled him to write “For The Least of These”