Update on the Bushfires and ADRA’s response
22 January, 2020
Here is another update about how your support has enabled ADRA to help those affected by the devastating bushfires. Below are just a few examples. A lot more is happening all around the country.
Albury Adventist Church members, with ADRA’s help, coordinated the purchase and delivery of food and supplies to the Country Fire Association (CFA) volunteers in Burrowye for four days.
Families in Clifton Creek, Gelantiply, Buchan, Sarsfield, and Club Terrace have also received essentials such as water, groceries, hygiene packs, cleaning materials, solar energisers, steel posts, wire, insulators, generators and requested furniture.
In Victoria, volunteers sourced fencing to help emergency services contain freely roaming livestock. Access was also given to Cann River, where eggs, bread, meat, fruit, vegetables and generators were delivered. Volunteers in Sarsfield will attend a community meeting with other agencies to determine the next steps in the recovery process.
27 generators were delivered to Kangaroo Island in South Australia where ADRA worked alongside Island Care and the Australian Defence Force to distribute the generators to those needing it most.
The recovery effort is underway in Woodside, South Australia. On one property, teams from Flight Centre and ADRA helped pulled out burnt water lines and lay new ones as well as cutting off fire-damaged fruit to help the vines have the best chance of survival.
If you have been AFFECTED by the fires or know of someone who has, you or they may be eligible to receive financial support from ADRA. Please email us now at [email protected] or call ADRA on 1800 242 372 with information on where you or they live.