Monthly Archives: October 2023

Feeding Families in Zambia – Walya’s Story

“Before ADRA, we were harvesting maize, but it was never enough. There was only enough for our family to eat. There was nothing left to sell.”   Walya and her family live in rural Zambia. Like so many in Zambia, Walya and her husband farm for a living. But their harvest […]

A Word on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

UPDATE: 14 May 2024 Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, the plight of the local population has reached critical levels. Families have been forcibly displaced, essential infrastructure lies in ruins, and basic necessities like food and water have become alarmingly scarce. Shockingly, recent reports from the United Nations indicate that […]

Help Aussies in Need – Perri’s Story

“We went into hardship on our mortgage and my sick pay ran out, my annual leave ran out, everything ran out, and we were living off nothing.”  Perri and her husband were living the Australian dream: they had a mortgage on a home and Perri was facing a promotion that […]